On the Needles

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Teacher I am

As I mentioned in my "100 Things About Me" post I am a knitting instructor. Or was a knitting instructor. You see I was a knitting instructor at Michaels. And since they decided to discontinued all there classes, except the cake decorating courses, I am no longer teaching there. Since my only other source of money comes from child-minding at a local church one morning a week I decided I better find another job. As a high school drop-out I don't have a lot of options when it comes to jobs. There are many jobs that I think I could do just as well as a high school graduate but the companies won't even look at my resume because I don't have that darn diploma. The jobs that I could get I don't think I could handle. I don't want to work in retail. Although I am a very well-spoken, polite person the majority of the time if someone pisses me off they'll know about it PDQ. I can just see me getting frustrated with a customer and telling them to bugger off. Some how I don't think that would go over well with my boss. It's pretty much the same thing for fast food joints and regular restaurants. I can so see me pouring someone's drink over their head or dumping their meal in their lap. Again wouldn't go over very well with the boss. So it's best to stay away from situations like that.

It's also one of the reasons that I hated working at Michaels. That and the fact that even though I was suppose to have control over when I had my classes I still had to work around when the other instructors were having their classes. I had to teach what they wanted me to, charge what they said and use only the yarns that were available at Michaels. It made it vary difficult to plan classes when I wasn't sure if they were going to have the supplies required for the class. That's why I have decide to start offering private knitting classes. I can set my own hours. I only have to deal with a small group of people at one time.  And I don't have to limit my supply list to one store. I actually like the idea that I'll be able to recommend the two LYS. My students can still buy their supplies at Michaels or Walmart but at least they have more than one option.


I still have to work out the details and figure out the best way to advertise but hopefully I'll be teaching by the beginning of April.

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