I frogged the lacy afghan-like scarf and started the Irish Hiking Scarf. I've gotten three repeats in and am ready to frog it.
Hopefully this dislike of everything I start to knit will end soon and I'll be able to finish something. I'm going to attempt Silver's Palindrome Scarf next. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Frog Happy!
Posted by
10:20 pm
Groups Needle 'n' Yarn
Monday, September 24, 2007
100 Things About Me!
As promised....
1. My first name is Jodi.
2. My middle name is Mae.
3. Most people call me Jodi.
4. My BIL name is Jody.
5. So my family calls me Jodi Mae.
6. I'm not a huge fan of it.
7. I would prefer Jodi or Jo.
8. I hate it when people misspell my name. It's with a 'I' no 'E' and definitely not with a 'Y'.
9. I am a knitter.
10. I grew up on a farm.
11. But never owned cows.
12. In fact, I'm kind of scared of them.
13. I don't know why.
14. We did own horses, goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks and rabbits.
15. And dogs, of course.
16. We have 2 right now. Sweetie and Thor.
17. I should probably mention our cats.
18. Right now there are 7 that call our house home.
19. They are, in order of age, Mickey, Dilo, Brat Cat, Snorten, Rip, That and Punk.
20. We have 3 goats, Patches, Andromeda and Nebula.
21. Two sheep.
22. We never named them.
23. I still live with my parents.
24. Yes, I know some people find that weird.
25. But it's what works for me.
26. Currently I am working as a child-care provider.
27. And a Knitting Instructor.
28. I enjoy both jobs.
29. I'm a Christian.
30. But I don't go to church.
31. That is probably the only time I'll mention it.
32. I don't drink alcohol.
33. I don't smoke.
34. Or do drugs.
35. I've never had a boyfriend.
36. I have not read the last Harry Potter book.
37. This does not mean I want you to tell me all about it.
38. I like country music.
39. I also like Rock, some Hip-Hop, R&B and some Pop.
40. I use all those terms in the broadest sense of the word.
41. I am really unorganized.
42. My room is a mess of paper, books and clothes.
43. And yarn.
44. I would love to write a book someday.
45. I would be great if I could get that book published.
46. I am number 4 of six children.
47. I'm the only one born in an odd year.
48. I have 2 brothers.
49. One older and one younger.
50. I have 3 sisters.
51. Two older and one younger.
52. I weighed 8 lb 2oz. when I was born.
53. I was my mom's smallest baby.
54. There are 5 years between me and my oldest sibling.
55. There are also 5 years between me and the youngest.
56. Making me the middle child.
57. I was in 4-H for 9 years.
58. I dropped out of school in grade 9.
59. It was my second year in grade 9.
59. I took some correspondence courses.
60. But never finished.
61. I am an amateur genealogist.
62. I would love to travel to Scotland.
63. And Ireland, England, Wales and Germany.
64. I'm a Sagittarius.
65. With a Virgo rising. Makes an interesting combination.
66. My Chinese Zodiac is the Sheep/Goat.
67. I broke my arm when I was 4.
68. Never broke my leg.
69. Torn the ligaments in both ankles.
70. Not at the same time.
71. One was in July.
72. The other was in February.
73. I went to Summer School for Grade 8 Social Studies.
74. It was the only class I passed in Grade 9.
75. I took band in Grade 8.
76. I hated it.
77. My other electives were Clothing and Textiles, Food and Nutrition and Drafting.
78. I didn't select Drafting.
79. I wanted to take Woodworking.
80. Or Metalwork.
81. Apparently so did everyone else.
82. My maternal grandfather died when I was 18 months old.
83. My maternal grandmother died just over 25 yrs later.
84. My paternal grandmother died one month after my fourth birthday.
85. My paternal grandfather died two days after my 27th birthday.
86. I have 1 nephew.
87. And 2 nieces.
88. I'm teaching all three of them how to knit.
89. My maternal grandmother taught me how to knit.
90. I met my best friend when we were in Grade 8.
91. I raised Netherland Dwarf rabbits.
92. They died after a mink got into my rabbitry.
93. I want to buy more.
94. But am waiting until I can secure the rabbitry.
95. I would also like to own Lionhead rabbits.
96. And maybe some Jersey Woolies or Fuzzy Lops.
97. We raise Alpine and Nubian goats.
98. I want to learn Sign Language.
99. And Gaelic.
100. Scottish, not Irish.
Posted by
8:19 pm
Groups Rambles
Colour Coordination
Last night I started knitting a scarf using Bernat Soy Natural Blends, in Tidal, Seasalt and Celery. I've only did one repeat of the pattern and I think I'm going to frog it.
The pattern I'm using is the one that came with the yarn. I'm having two problems with it. One is the colours. The pattern calls for 3 colours. The sample is knit with Oatmeal as the Main Colour (MC), Tidal as the secondary colour (A) and Celery as the third colour (B). I decided to use Tidal as my (MC), Seasalt as my (A) and Celery as my (B). And I'm not sure I like the combination. I could switch the designation. Making Seasalt my (MC) and Tidal my (A). Or even making Seasalt my (B) and Celery my (A). But that won't help with the second problem, the pattern. It is a sort of Feather and Fan design and I just can't see it as a scarf. I keep looking at it and thinking afghan. Probably because that's the pattern that my grandmother knit most of our afghans in.
You're suppose to repeat the colour change until the piece measures 7" and then continue in MC for another 33" before moving back into the colour change again.
I'll probably end up frogging this and using the yarn for another pattern. Maybe the Irish Hiking Scarf or Silver's Palindrome Scarf.
Maybe someday I'll use the pattern that came with the yarn. Probably for an afghan.
Posted by
6:41 pm
Groups Needle 'n' Yarn
Sunday, September 16, 2007
First Post
Ideally this post should have some inspiring content that makes you want to keep coming back. Especially considering I've had a couple of months to come up with said content. Alas, as my family well knows, I'm a procrastinator and I've put off doing anything. Mainly because nothing was really happening in my life and I figured people might get bored hearing about how I slept in pasted noon, again, and spent the rest of the day playing on the computer and watching TV.
Luckily, my life is starting to get busy. Work is finally starting to pick up after the summer break. Nanowrimo will be starting in just over a month. And I'm starting a local Stitch 'N Bitch with a fellow knitter. If all goes well I'll be relaying some interesting stories.
Since I hate trying to describe myself (I feel it always comes off as sounding like a personal ad. ie: SWF, who enjoys knitting, writing etc.) I'm going to resort to a "100 Things About Me" list. Which I'll try and complete in the next day or two and get it posted.
Posted by
10:16 pm
Groups Needle 'n' Yarn, Pen 'n' Paper, Rambles