On the Needles

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Sunday, October 15, 2023

OTDIH - October 15th

October 15th, 1832 - According to his gravestone, my 5th Great-Grandfather, George J Grant, died on this date in 1832. He was residing in what is now known as Cornwall, Stormont Dundas and Glengarry United Counties, Ontario, Canada. 

October 15th, 1871 - Birth of my 2nd Great-Grandfather, Francis William Dover at 96 High Street, St. Clements, Headington, Oxfordshire, England. He was born at home to John Dover and Frances Elizabeth Dover(formerly Bricknell). His father was a builder. 

Headington Registration District, Oxfordshire, vol. 3A, p. 594, no. 375, birth entry of Francis William Dover, 15 October 1871,  photocopy of birth entry in register; General Registry Office, Southport, England. [a Digital image from the GRO website]

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